Cottonwood Lake Tenkara Fishing Report
Bass were interested in my kebari, even more so with my "woolybugger". They mostly eyed my flies and followed it until they lost interest. No bites from them.

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Bass were interested in my kebari, even more so with my "woolybugger". They mostly eyed my flies and followed it until they lost interest. No bites from them. They were also interested in and ate the little fish frys trying to take a bite out of my kebari. Next time, bring a fly / lure that resembles a fish better.
Bluegill (or are they green sunfish?) were very enthusiastic as always.
Dace were also interested but were too small to eat my kebari. I saw some of them rip apart an injured dragonfly.
Bluegill and bass swim around vegetation on the edges of the pond. At 11-1pm, both were still actively eating. After that, bluegill were less active and bass were just hanging out under shade.